What is a CNC Machine?

CNC Machine, sparks, Beltim & Associates

A CNC Machine comprises two terms. The second, machine, is somewhat self-explanatory. The first, CNC, means computer numerical control, and it is the most revolutionary innovation in machining history. By inventing computerized processes to guide manufacturing, engineers and clients (i.e., potentially you) benefit from perfectly made parts in almost any desired volume.  

When did CNC Machining begin?

The quantum leap from basic machining to automated machining began with John T Parsons, revered as the father of numerical control (NC), a predecessor to modern computer-aided machining methods. Parson’s metalworking grand-destiny was apparent by his first memory: filing a piece of iron. 

His manufacturing sensitivities only improved from there, as he learned to differentiate metals by smell. Circa the 1940s, Parsons (with help from aircraft engineer Frank L. Stulen) developed numerical control to accurately produce aircraft components, including skins and helicopter blades.

The integration of computing and industrial machining offers benefits beyond more precise cuts, reduced error rates, and even longer coffee breaks for engineers. It also introduces the advantages of machine learning and artificial intelligence systems that constantly allow “manufacturing data collection.” This MDC is powered by comprehensive yet lightning-quick analytics; computerized processes employed to generate intuitive solutions for industry issues, improving efficiency and discovering better designs.

What kind of items can we make through CNC machining?

Perhaps it’s easier to answer which everyday items aren’t made through CNC machining processes. Other than some artisanal goods in small-town shops, most components, parts, and major and minor machines are derived from CNC fabrication. No market can do without the modern machining process.

In the medical sector, we rely on it for health, thanks to devices that provide quicker, more accurate diagnoses to avert future ailments and the tools to correct present woes. In the realm of commercial goods, machining fills homes and stores with convenient appliances. It’s also allowed an era of efficient transportation that opens the whole world for travel. And in aero-tech, CNC propels humanity spaceward and, eventually, to the stars. And the irreplaceable semiconductors are as ubiquitous in these industrial settings as they are in your household electronics.


Machining, like Beltim, is Always Improving

 With improved performances comes improved quality and time to market, while labor, waste products, and prices trend in the opposite, downward direction. That’s great for machining as an industry and its ability to support our progressing modern world. 
Yet it’s also great for you, as our time-tested techniques offer our cherished clients the best possible components at the best possible prices. With a quick turnaround, to boot, so you can remain a vanguard of your domain!
To explore our machining capabilities and find out how we can best serve you, contact us today or get a free quote!

Beltim & Associates