How to Operate a Punch Press?

Punch Press, Operate, Beltim & Associates

Machining equipment comes in a variety of sizes, from large, to very large, to punch press-sized. This mammoth machine is as welcome in workshops as it is elephantine, often coming to the rescue when dealing with exceptionally tough materials or the necessity for a high volume of small, uniform parts. A punch press literally punches them into shape with a die set that impresses its form onto a workpiece.

The die set consists of two pieces, the “male” punch, and the “female” die, which sandwich the workpiece. Stamping pre-made geometries into metal components saves time, energy, and resources while reducing error rates. This allows our engineers and world-serving facility to maintain the brisk pace set by increasing global demands.

How to Operate a Punch Press

Two types of mechanical punch presses exist, full-revolution and part-revolution punch presses. Operating the former requires a complete turn of the crankshaft, while the latter only requires a partial revolution of the crankshaft.

In addition to mechanical punch presses, many others are powered by a hydraulic ram. The ram holds the punch and moves it vertically, pressing it down on the workpiece to cut out the desired shape. Thus, many small and identical parts can quickly be mass-produced. 

The simpler parts include extrusions, tabs, and knockouts, while more complex procedures can fabricate components like hinges and louvers. Overall, punch pressing products are essential in every industry, whether they power a blender or a space-bound rocket.

Some OEMs still utilize manual punch presses, though the CNC (computer numerical control) version offers additional benefits. Computerized control potentiates unprecedented accuracy and automation, freeing engineers from hassle and toil. Of course, a bit of human intervention will always be required, but the near-total automation of CNC is liberating.

Beltim & Associates delivers the best of multiple worlds: extensive engineer experience paired with modern techniques in our state-of-the-art, fully equipped facility. Want to discover how we can best serve you? Reach out to us or get a free quote today!

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