Beltim is Your Perfect Partner for Custom Aero Orders

Aero Tech, Aircraft, Beltim & Associates

Aero tech inspires awe and innovation 

We’re so accustomed to the countless technological wonders that surround us daily that we often (possibly almost always) neglect to fully appreciate the generations of work and knowledge required in their development. One such example: the incredible variety of aircraft we constantly see zipping above our heads or hear buzzing around us at all times of the day, without a second thought.

But this multitude of craft and our current air-faring era would not be possible without CNC machining. Numerous machining processes and tools are necessary to produce the many components that go into each helicopter, plane, jet, or (less commonly) blimp and hot air balloon. 

Sometimes, the sheer number of pieces can be mind-boggling: a 747 is obviously no LEGO set, but would you believe it’s composed of over 6 million components? Yet the rapid reliability of modern machining has birthed fleets of these and other sky-liners that ferry millions of passengers per day and billions every year.

Our full-spectrum fabrication capabilities provide top-quality components, from prototypes to end-products

Technician, Fabrication, Aircraft, Beltim & Associates

And when lives are literally in the balance, the pieces manufactured must hold the highest standards and adhere to the tightest tolerances, every single time. This is why our attention to detail, decades of experience, and expert engineers have helped us become an invaluable partner to the aero industry.

It’s not just physical fabrication but other computer-aided processes, including design and testing, that are so indispensable in the creation, maintenance, and re-innovation of craft. For example, engineers can use digital prototypes to see their fledgling creations in a virtual space. This allows close inspection of every individual component, from every angle, inside and out. 

But technicians can do more than simply view their innovations. They can test them in various virtual realms under different conditions, pushing them to limits that the aircraft would, hopefully, never encounter in their real-world use. And with virtual tweaks, one can quickly see how even the tiniest alteration can yield advantageous (or disadvantageous) results.

Technician, Fabrication, Aircraft, Beltim & Associates

The multi-fold machining processes also open up a wide range of materials, each selected through rigorous mathematical, physical, and simulated trial-and-error to best fit its intended use with superior strength, lightness, flexibility, or other relevant parameters.

This mixing-and-matching of techniques and technologies allows for the development of essential safety features, as well as other factors like aerodynamics, efficiency, and comfort. These engineering advances, like the ones we proudly offer our clients, have brought humanity a long way since the days of early flight, when even the most straightforward tests hinged on tiny margins that decided the life or death of the operator…or any unfortunate spectators. 

So, be it interior or exterior structural components, technical parts, in-plane entertainment systems, or ground-to-air communication equipment, Beltim & Associates is dedicated to painlessly providing the customized parts you need to succeed. Find out how we can best serve you by getting a free quote or contacting us today!  

Beltim & Associates