Beltim Is Partnering With 1% for the Planet to Fight the Good Fight


Beltim & Associates has always valued supporting the planet and giving back to those in need. Now, through a new venture with 1% for the Planet, the Beltim family, led by Laura Dumitriu, hopes to make the world a greener place and inspire others to do the same. 

Saving the planet

Founded in 2002, 1% for the Planet partners with businesses and individuals to save the Earth, through directed donations and volunteer work. And since its inception, those businesses and individuals have contributed more than $270 million.

The 1% for the Planet organization verifies monetary pledges from its members and offers strategic advice, uniting benefactors with the nonprofits that most closely match their goals and ideals.

Those who join the 1% for the Planet team can assist in several ways. Businesses and individuals can contribute 1% of their gross sales or annual salary. Or they can offer promotional support. Alternatively, those who wish to offer volunteer support are directed to the environmental efforts that complement their wishes and skills.

With a member directory of more than 3,000 eco-minded businesses, 1% for the Planet is fighting to undo the global damage caused by industrialization and apathy. Its ever-growing list of environmental allies (including the National Forest Foundation and the Wildlife Conservation Society) has planted trees, cleaned up water supplies, saved wildlife, fed the hungry, reduced carbon emissions, and designed alternatives to plastics and other pollutants.   

Continuing a tradition 

Beltim’s tradition of giving began with company founder (and Laura’s father) Ioan Dumitriu, who never missed an opportunity to provide donations and support to the local community. Now, Laura, as a managing partner and owner, proudly continues the tradition. Under her guidance, Beltim has donated to Australian wildfire relief funds, the Big Bay Ray horse rescue campaign, helped fund critical foster care programs for the abused and neglected children of Agape Villages, and has provided PPE (personal protective equipment) for hospitals during the pandemic. 

In partnership with 1% for the Planet, Beltim looks to strengthen a growing trend in the engineering sector: focusing on environmental solutions and cleaner technologies. In attracting like-minded vendors and customers, Beltim aims to secure a greener, brighter outlook for ourselves and future generations. 

Ivan Farkas